March Yoyo Madness!


March Yo-Yo Madness is a time to celebrate the art, skill, and community of yo-yoing. So grab your favorite yo-yo, embrace the state of “Yo,” and let the madness begin!

  1. First: Select your favorite Tom Kuhn yoyo for your level of play. Our ball bearing models feature adjustable string gaps designed to grow with your skill level as you improve.
  2. Practice and Improve: Use this month as an opportunity to hone your yo-yo skills and try out new tricks. Set personal goals for improvement and dedicate time each day to practice and refine your technique.
  3. Yo-Yo Meetups and Events: Join local yo-yo clubs or attend yo-yo meetups and events in your area. These gatherings provide opportunities to connect with other enthusiasts, learn from experienced players, and showcase your skills in friendly competitions.
  4. Explore New Yo-Yos: Treat yourself to a new yo-yo or explore different types of yo-yos, such as responsive, unresponsive, fixed axle, or modern performance models. Experimenting with different yo-yos can add excitement and variety to your yo-yoing experience.
  5. Share Your Passion: Spread the joy of yo-yoing by sharing your love for the hobby with others. Introduce friends, family members, or colleagues to yo-yoing and teach them a few basic tricks. You never know, you might inspire someone to discover their own passion for yo-yoing!
  6. Attend Yo-Yo Competitions: If possible, attend yo-yo competitions or watch live streams of competitive events to witness top players showcase their skills and talents. Yo-yo competitions are exciting and inspiring, offering opportunities to learn from the best in the sport.

Above all, remember to have fun and enjoy the journey of yo-yoing. Whether you’re a beginner learning your first trick or an experienced player mastering complex combos, the joy of yo-yoing lies in the process of learning, growing, and sharing your passion with others.
