Take the road less travelled. Made of laminated hard maple wood features two carbon colored lanes (stripes) enhancing the beauty of the natural wood-grain layers.
Tom’s quest for the perfect yo-yo and love of beautiful Maplewood is where this story began. This organic material while aesthetically warm and appealing has inherent unstable characteristics causing endless frustration when creating a vibration-free spinner. Tom’s quest for the perfect yo-yo as inspiration, the aluminium yo-yos were introduced in the late 80s.
Our attraction to beautiful hardwoods, however, again tugged for our attention with this wonderful laminated hard maple-wood material! Calling on our knowledge of wood, challenging the team to create this special edition “Two Roads” Sleep Machine. https://tomkuhn.com/shop/two-roads-sleep-machine-ball-bearing-yo-yo/
This precision-tuned instrument sports a precision ball bearing axle allowing for undreamed of spinners (up to 10 times longer than traditional fixed-axle yo-yos). The patented, adjustable string gap feature provides for fast tune-ups allowing maximum playability while Dr. Yo’s patented Turbo Disc Response System technology delivers optimum predictability. A beginner’s confidence will build quickly while more advanced players will blaze new trails in the art of yo-yo play. Take the road less travelled!